Paris Hilton cried at David Letterman’s Show

Paris Hilton was slated on the 'Late Show with David Letterman', where the host threw a volley of questions at the socialite about her stint in prison this June. Welcoming the heiress on his show, Letterman asked her how she found her jail term. When Hilton went on to complain about the food in prison, a relentless Letterman continued to poke fun at her.

"Dinner was jail-mystery meat. I have no idea what it was but it was pretty bad." The Sun quoted her, as telling on the show.

"What is it you did? Do you know what you did," he said. To ward-off anymore questions, Hilton said that she did not wish to talk about the sordid past, "I've moved on with my life so I don't really want to talk about it anymore," she said.

Then someone from the audience yelled ' I love you Paris' and Letterman quipped if the person was someone she met in the slammer.

"Is that somebody you met in jail," he asked her. As Hilton sat there fighting tears, Letterman promptly apologised and went on to talk about her upcoming flick 'Repro! The Genetic Opera.